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Charity of the MONTH

Welcome to Home-Safe Secure Services Charity of the MONTH page.

It is a Home-Safe belief that every business that is supported by the community should give back to the community!

As founder of this company I have a deep connection to a few charities but more so to actual causes and issues that affect not just our community directly but the people, animals and beings Globally.


It is my firm belief that we are ALL connected!


Home-Safe Secure Services ask that all Members take the time to direct a msg/txt/email to Home-Safe and inform us of any "issues", charities or situations that you the member become aware of and think needs support. Home-Safe believes in supporting direct community issue's first.


Issues that Home-Safe supports include.


1.  Fracking! Our Water is our most precious resource! It sustains us all.


2. Flouride in Water, just as bad as Fracking! Flouride is a poison.


3. Mental Health: Home-Safe aims to create a Charity that offers "Counselling Services" to the Men and Women of the Emergency Services:


Services will be made available to all Fire, Ambulance, Police, SES and Australian Defence Force personnel.


Being ex-Army I am biased to wards my mates! The services provided will be targeted to meet their specific needs.

Our Governments should be ashamed of how we treat past and present members of our armed forces.

More ADF personnel die from suicide than from active combat duties every year.

Many cannot get their conditions recognized and thus cannot get the support and access to services they need.


4.Home-Safe Secure Services will allocate $10 from every membership application sold where the joining Member has nominated the Bradley family as the Introducing member on their Members Profile page.






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