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Q900518776 Operator Accreditation

Home-Safe Secure Services Terms & Conditions:


Home-Safe Secure Services is a company committed to providing the highest quality service in the most cost-effective manner to the Transport and Security Industries. Home-Safe incorporates the latest technologies available to create a seamless booking system and a safe and secure environment.

Home-Safe employs dual qualified and Licensed Security Guard/Drivers.

Services available by appointment.


By applying for a membership ALL persons acknowledge that they have read, understood and agree to the following Terms and Conditions.


  • Home-Safe Secure Services are FLAT RATE! No tariffs or Surge Pricing.

  • Escorts are strictly from A to B, unless multiple destinations have been booked prior to service commencement. "passengers cannot make unscheduled stops or pick up non pre-determined guests on route". Services CANNOT make unscheduled stops so guests may "pick up/drop off something".

  • Members CANNOT Add extra guests to a service once the service has commenced! If extra guests wish to share the same charter they MUST book another service subject to the relevant charges. The original booking member MUST consent to the added party sharing the same said vehicle to carry out both services. If not the extra/added guests must book a seperate vehicle and/or service.

  • A temporary member CANNOT under any circumstances share services with another temporary member booking.



  • It is a condition of Entry all passengers show I.D, Membership cards or Temporary Membership cards to driver when requested or at entry to vehicle.


  • Home-Safe vehicles fitted with digital recording system (DRS cameras) can monitor vehicle speeds, excessive cornering, acceleration and sudden shocks, bumps or stops in addition to capturing audio and visual data. All systems exceed legislative requirements and members and guests consent to these systems being used to provide a Safe and Secure environment.


  • Drivers/Guards have the right as per legislation to deny entry to any overly intoxicated or abusive member or guest and terminate services at their discretion if required.


  • Members with active accounts but NO funds available can utilize their stored credit to pay for requested services and access additional credit to a combined total of $80.


  • Charters CANNOT make any unscheduled stops or pick up non-booked persons.

  • All escorts are of a short-term charter nature, they are calculated on time rather than distance. Home-Safe Secure Services DO NOT WAIT unless periods of time are A. pre-paid and B. Do not overlap other booked services. If a Home-Safe Vehicle is made to wait at a pick up point with the booking member present, the Driver reserves the right (at their descretion) to cancel the booking and charge the booking member the full service fee.

  • Escorts are limited to Pick Up locations within 15 k's of Noosa CBD.

  • All Escorts are charged at FLAT RATES and are pre-paid at time of booking making travelling to and from Venues more cost effective.

  • Venues receive Ready Reckoner Guides specific to venue locations to showcase distances/times taken to escort guests to their desired destinations.

  • To complete a booking a member or guest must provide a date & time of booking, a pick-up point, destinations, number of guests travelling and I.D of the booking member. The paying member must sign the temporary member/escort advice.

  • Commercial Members/Venues can book an escort on behalf of their guests.

  • Members may book services on behalf of their subsidiary members or for guests to & from their nominated residence ONLY.

  • Venues may utilize the online booking system or simply call Home-Safe direct to determine service availability.

  • Venue staff and Guards/Drivers can fill out a Temporary Members Card/Security Escort Advice at point of booking, take payment for service and give receipt to member/guest to give to driver.

  • AS a condition of service Paying/Booking Guests/Temporary Member must know the identity of all guests accompanying them, they are legally responsible for their actions in the event of an reportable incident.

  • All persons asking to book a service from venues must be shown the terms and conditions.



  • A $200 soiling fee is charged to any person who soils the vehicle and must be paid immediately, failure to do so is an offence and a Membership terminating Act.


  • Services offered will be within the Greater Noosa area and limited to sealed and public roads, private residences and venues. No Off-Road services will be offered.


  • A Flat 2.5% service fee is charged on all Credit/Debit card transactions.


  • All vehicles carry Full Comprehensive and Public Liability Insurance.

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  • Services offered will be within the Greater Sunshine Coast/ South East QLD area, within a 350klm radius of Noosa or the 1st pick up point and limited to sealed and public roads, private residences and venues. No Off-Road services will be offered

  • Currently Escort & Security Services are restricted to pick up locations with 15K's of Noosa.



Code of Conduct Policy:

  1. Personal Presentation:

  • Home-Safe Staff will present in a neat and tidy appearance with clothing free from Stains, Tears and Odors, drivers/guards will maintain a high level of personal hygiene.

  • Members are required to present in adequately attired clothing with a standard of personal hygiene that is free from bodily fluids, excessive odors, grease, dirt, grime, sand or any substance that may ‘Soil” the vehicle or cause offence to other members or their guests.

  • A $200 cleaning fee is charged to the booking member if any member or their guest soils the vehicle.


2. Fitness for Work &/or Fatigue Management:

  • All staff are to present to work in a fit and alert state, Drivers and Guards must ensure that they are bodily free from any affecting substances.

  • Members or their guests who are excessively intoxicated may be refused service.


3. Punctuality:

  • It is a requirement to be on time for pickups and requested service start times.

  • Drivers and Guards will wait for a period of 5minutes at stated pick up service start locations.

  • If guests are not ready at that time Drivers at their discretion reserve the right to continue to the next booked service.


4. Communications:

  • When communicating do not swear or use abusive language, please pay attention to your tone of voice, how you interact, and the choice of words used. Home-Safe Staff are there to help you and provide you and your loved ones with a safe and secure environment, all staff are extensively trained and in a partnership with the Home-Safe company.

  • When communicating via text, SMS, email or by phone be mindful that you are likely being recorded. Never use abusive language, never make sexual, racist, bigotry or discriminative orientated remarks. These events can result in terminating memberships.

  • Never under any circumstance directly engage in ANY conversation that alludes to a ‘Breach of the Peace’, an illegal act or a threat. (don’t ask the driver where to score!) These occurances can possibly result in membership termination.


Members may utilize a variety of communication pathways to contact Home-Safe.

  • The Contacts page at sets out the following pathways.

  • Email

  • Facebook page, or social media accounts

  • Phone

  • Direct: Anyone may approach a Driver of a Home-Safe vehicle and request a Home-Safe Communications Request form or a Customer Service Complaints and Feedback form. All forms have contact details. All vehicles carry copies of these forms.


5. Record Keeping:

  • Home-Safe in keeping with legislative requirements maintains a full record keeping procedure.

  • Wix websites abide by the European Unions General Data Protection Regulation: details are available by clicking the below link.

  • ​

  • Drivers must carry the In-Vehicle documents folder which contain ‘Communication Request’, ‘Customer Feedback’ (complaints), ‘Standard Operating Procedures’, ‘Incident Reports’ Maintenance Request/Defect Reports, Daily Vehicle Inspections and Record of Trips Undertaken. If at any time a person wishes to contact Home-Safe or make a complaint the driver is to provide the person with the relevant document. All documents have contact details on them. In the event that an altercation, argument or delay of 30 minutes occurs then the Incident reporting procedure is to commence.



6. Physical Interaction/Intimacy Policy:

  • All forms of physical contact are to be avoided at all costs, the ONLY exception being the providing of comfort to distressed persons, assisting members or guests with access and egress to the vehicle or in rare and extreme cases in self-defense or defense of another.

  • Home-Safe members are reminded that possibly all interactions may be digitally recorded. All complaints received where physical contact has been an issue automatically constitutes an ‘Incident’, data from incidents are stored for 7 years in keeping with legislative requirements. Incidents of a nature where harm or injury has been recorded will be referred to the appropriate authorities


7. Confidentiality & Privacy Policy:

  • All Home-Safe Secure Service potential and realized Contractors, Employees and Commercial members all sign a confidentiality agreement which is legally binding, all persons are reminded that any conversation regarding Home-Safe incidents, members, processes, policies and or information to any third party is to be strictly avoided.

  • Home-Safe Privacy Policy states that all data captured by Home-Safe in its interactions with members or their guests remains the property of Home-Safe and its members.

  • Under NO circumstances can information gathered by Drivers or Guards whilst employed by Home-Safe be shared with ANY third party unless all parties have agreed in writing to the release of said information or in the event Home-Safe is complying with formal legally binding requests from Australian Courts or Law Enforcement Agencies.

  • Home-Safe retains sole ownership of any ‘met-data’ gathered throughout its interactions with members and their guests and binds itself to this agreement of NOT sharing that said data with any third party unless said members give their express written consent.


8. Sales Process:

  • All employees of Home-Safe are paid commissions as part of the Home-Safe Rewards program.

  • All sales are recorded through the Website based Booking system and stored as per legislative requirements.


9. Discrimination and Harassment:

        Home-Safe Secure Services has a zero tolerance towards Discrimination and Harassment Policy.


10.Discrimination and Harassment:

  • It is a condition of Entry all passengers show I.D, Membership cards or Temporary Memberships given by Member Venues to Driver/Guards upon entry to vehicles.


  • Booking member assumes responsibility for all actions of their guests.

  • Members or subsidiary members must be present for duration of charter when transporting guests.

  • Charters CANNOT make any unscheduled stops (except for duress) and can Not pick up NON-Booked passengers on route.

  • No unscheduled stops or pick-ups can be made once a charter has left a Member venue or pick up location as per specific Service conditions. * see Services for allowances.



Assault or Threat:

  • Home-Safe does NOT tolerate any form of assault or threat on or made against its Members, their Guests or Driver/Guards. Incidents are reported and Investigated and where necessary forwarded to the relevant Authorities.

Unacceptable, Suspicious or Illegal Behavior:

  • Members, Guests and/or Patrons must NOT engage in lewd, unsavory, discriminative, harassing, abusive, threatening, illegal, suspicious or behavior that constitutes a “breach of the Peace”.

Breach of Home-Safe Terms and Conditions:

  • Home-Safe does NOT support members or guests who create ‘Breaches’ as this is a safety concern and doesn’t allow for the provision of a secure environment. Memberships will be terminated.

Use of or carrying of Chemicals, Explosives, Firearms or Dangerous Goods:

Home-Safe T&C’s strictly prohibit the carrying of any of the above in any vehicle

Home-Safe T&C’s strictly prohibit the carrying of any of the above into any venue.


  • The Department of Transport and Main Roads considers the stowage of dangerous goods in the driver and/or passenger cabin areas or stowed together with other freight and passenger luggage within compartments located directly below, or adjacent to, passenger seating - poses an unacceptable hazard in the event of an accident / incident.

  • Accordingly, passenger transport vehicles should be considered as not being suitable vehicles for transporting dangerous goods (unless specially equipped - e.g. a trailer).

  • Any person allowing such transport may be deemed to be committing an offence.

This may include the vehicle owner, operator, member and driver.

If a member attempts to gain access with a gas bottle or any of the above items, the driver is to inform the member of these specific conditions.

If a trailer has been booked, then the items such as Gas-Bottles for a B-B-Q may be carried in the trailer.

If the member objects, then driver should follow the Incident reporting or Customer Service Policy.


Soiling of Vehicle:

  • In the event a member or guest soils the vehicle (vomit, bodily fluids, blood, grease, grime, excessive dirt and sand), then the Driver may charge a cleaning fee to the booking member.

  • Drivers are asked to gain this fee on the spot, members who fail to pay are guilty of an offence, this is a membership terminating event and an Incident.

  • If the vehicle needs to be cleaned with disinfectant, then a $200 fee is charged.

  • Once the Driver has received payment, a note will be added to the booking, reflecting the payment and a receipt given to the member.

  • If the vehicle needs to be hygienically cleaned. No other service can be provided until this has occurred.

  • Home-Safe will provide alternative arrangements for any booked service impacted by this cleaning


    Terrorist Acts and Bomb Threats:

  • Any Member or Guest that engages or threatens to engage in any Act associated in any way to the above will have their Memberships Terminated.



Training and Licensing Requirements:

    Home-Safe Secure Services ensure that all Drivers/Guards maintain the following requirements to ensure members and their guests Safety.

  • Driver’s License: All Home-Safe personnel must hold an open LR license code or higher

  • Driver’s Authority: All Home-Safe personnel must hold a current drivers authority

  • Security License: All Guards must hold a current QLD security License with codes Crowd Controller, Security Officer Unarmed and must have completed cert II in Security operations. Guards maintain licenses relevant to tasks carried out. Specialist Guards with Extensive Qualifications are available on request, conditions and extra charges apply.

  • Home-Safe Secure Services offers employment to ex-military personnel as a preference.

  • Operators Authority: Home-Safe Secure Services has a current Operators Authority and will maintain authorities and meet legislative requirements.

  • Home-Safe Training: All personnel will complete the Home-Safe Training Policy requirements and Conflict Resolution Training. Guards will also complete security operations refresher training as required.

  • First Aid: All personnel will have current first aid certificates.


 Vehicles & Equipment:

   Home-Safe utilizes the following equipment and maintains them to legislated requirements.

  1. Toyota Hiace Commuter 2013-2015 Diesel, Automatic, Compliance for 14 Seat Capacity.

  2. Chest Worn Camera: Bouncer Buddy Police/Security Body camera.

  3. In Vehicle Digital Recording System: Video SD4HC WIFI &4G. specific details available upon request. (when fitted)

  4. Home-Safe vehicles fitted with a digital recording system (DRS cameras) can monitor vehicle speeds, excessive cornering, acceleration and sudden shocks, bumps or stops in addition to capturing audio and visual data. All systems exceed legislative requirements and member consent to these systems being used to provide a Safe and Secure environment.

  5. Websites & Social Media:,  the website is fully interactive with social media sites.

  6. Mobile Phones and Tablets: Home-Safe utilizes smart phone technology. Software used by Home-Safe is Microsoft based. Services can be booked from Android and Apple devices.

  7. Daily Vehicle Inspections & Pre-Operational Equipment checks:

  • All Equipment and Vehicles undergo pre-operational inspections to ensure the serviceability, functionality and safety as per legislative requirements.

  1. Maintenance Request/Defects and Schedule: Home-Safe has a Maintenance Policy.

  2. All Home-Safe Vehicles carry a comprehensive First Aid kit and Fire Extinguishers that are maintained to be fully functional, operative and serviced.

  3. Vehicle Breakdown Kits: These consist of light bulbs, indicator bulbs, fuses, spare tyre and required tools (jack, wheel brace, screw drivers, pliers, zip ties and more)


Unsafe Road Conditions, Environments & Extreme or Inclement Weather:


  • Home-Safe is a fully insured company with comprehensive Motor Vehicle and Public Liability Insurances. Policies dictate that travelling off-road, on non-regulated roads or extremely steep driveways are dangerous acts and a breach of Home-Safe T&C’s.

  • As such Drivers and Members are to be aware that if a service route of travel encounters road conditions that deteriorate, become flooded, blocked by debris, surrounded or near to fire then the service is to be terminated and/or an alternative route sought.

  • Services offered will be within the Greater Sunshine Coast/ South East QLD area, within a 350klm radius of Noosa or the 1st pick up point and limited to sealed and public roads private residences and venues. No Off-Road services will be offered.

  • If weather conditions deteriorate to where the drivers vision is impaired, to where winds create such a force as push the vehicle excessively or where the operation of the vehicle becomes dangerous then the service is to be terminated.

  • Drivers are to make the vehicle safe, wait for conditions to improve or retrace the journey to the last closest safe destination.

  • Passengers cannot be dropped at an unsafe-location.

  • If a Passenger, Member or Guest wishes and insists on terminating the booked service at any point, for anyreason, given or otherwise, they do so by waiving and voiding any and all legal rights to pursue, seek or claim from Home-Safe Secure Services, its Members, its Operator, Shareholders, Employee’s, Contractors and any other person &/or Entity associated or affiliated with Home-Safe Secure Services for compensation, damages personal or otherwise, loss of income, monies, services or anything else.



  • Home-Safe has a Fatigue Management Policy.

  • It is a condition of employment that every operator of a Home-Safe vehicle be aware of FATIGUE related issues, conditions, legislative requirements and record details of trips undertaken, hours worked and rest periods in the relevant Home-Safe documents.

  • All drivers hold and maintain a National Heavy Vehicle Work Diary.Diaries must be correctly filled in and carried in vehicle when utilized.

  • Under section 10 of the (the Standard), a driver of a public passenger vehicle must not operate a vehicle while fatigued.


Customer Service Policy

Home-Safe Secure Services utilizes a Customer Service Policy which can be found online in the members area or by contacting Home-Safe. The Policy consists of the following

  1. The Code of Conduct Policy

  2. The Customer Service Feedback and Complaints Forms

  3. The Complaints Register

  4. The Membership Terms & Conditions

  5. The Booking and Payments System

  6. The Confidentiality and Privacy Policy

  7. The Member Rewards Program

  • Home-Safe Secure Services provides a unique service where relationships are encouraged between the members and their local Territory Driver/Guard.

  • Home-Safe is committed to providing the highest possible standard of service in the most cost-effective manner.

  • Home-Safe utilizes Dual qualified personnel and when fitted the latest Digital Recording Systems to provide the most safe and secure environment to transport your loved ones.

  • Home-Safe forms direct relationships with its members both Commercial and Private.

  • Home-Safe has an extensive array of Policies to protect your personal information

  • Home-safe is a fully insured company.

  • Feedback and Complaints forms are welcomed and easily accessible from drivers, the website or by contacting Home-Safe direct.

  • Home-Safe will endeavor to follow up and resolve all complaints within 5 business days. Complaints must be logged within 21 days of any event or service provided, to be successfully investigated.

  • Home-safe continually updates its policies in keeping with client needs, suggestions and legislative amendments.

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Booking Systems, Information and Payments:

1. Websites and Social Media Sites:

Home-Safe Secure Services utilizes a website that incorporates an end to end booking system

  • The site educates and informs members on services offered, policies, membership terms & conditions, mission statements, associated charities, legislative requirements, insurances held, vehicles utilized, hours of operation, various membership options available and details regarding their personal guard or driver’s licenses and experience.

  • Home-Safe also utilizes various social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook and/or Snapchat, to drive awareness of Home-Safe Secure Services and its availability.


2. Cancellations Policy:

  • Member bookings are open to cancel 10 minutes from time of booking free from cancellation fees, unless the service booked has a pick-up or service start time within the 10 minutes.

  • Members are charged a $6 cancellation fee if they cancel the service outside the 10 minutes, they or their guests are not available to complete the stated service at time of booked pick up or if the member breaches these terms and conditions.

  • Airport Transfers, Temporary Membership bookings and Charters of an hour or less duration are NON-REFUNDABLE.

  • Drivers and Guards will wait for a period of 5 minutes at stated pick up service start locations.

  • If guests are not ready at that time Drivers at their discretion reserve the right to continue to the next booked service.

  • Bookings of 3 hours continuous service or more attract a 50% cancellation fee.

  • Bookings made more than 3 hours in advance may be altered/amended or suspended up until 120mins before the said service start time.

  • If Home-Safe is unable to provide a booked service due to emergencies, break downs or unforeseen circumstances, members will be refunded any monies and no cancellation fees are charged.

  • Home-safe cannot be held liable for any delays in services due to unforeseen circumstances.

  • All services are prepaid at time of booking.

  • Temporary Membership Bookings are NON-REFUNDABLE



3. Bookings, Memberships & End to End Process:

  • Bookings made must include: pick up locations, number of members or guests, drop off locations, duration of service and payment methods.

  • Private Memberships are charged a once off fee of $50/$30.

  • Active Members receive $40/$20 of Reward Credits under the Member Rewards Program.

  • Member accounts are linked to a credit card, debit card or pay pal account. (*A cash account can be created on a case by case basis) This means that all accounts retain a positive balance and allows members to pre-book services.

  • Members log into their account, select the service they require from the available Driver or Guard. If the service they require is not available at the desired time, the member can request a service by appointment, where by the operator will contact the member and create a service availability.

  • Note: Booking times are specific, Guards/Drivers will wait a minimum of 5 minutes for Escort services before cancelling the service, Airport and Cruise Transfers that are Non discounted include a wait time of up to 1 hr, after this period additional charges as per pricing sheets are then charged. Pick up times can be changed subject to availability with a minimum of 4 hrs notice before scheduled/booked pick up times. Tours, Airport & Cruise Transfers that have been accepted under a reduced rate WILL be charged wait times at the rate as per pricing sheets, e.g 1 to 5 passenegers are charged at $120/hr and 6 to 13 passengers are charged at $150/hr.  ALL WAIT TIME CHARGES ARE CHARGED AT THE HOURLY RATE.


  • All services are FLAT RATE. Home-Safe DO NOT CHARGE Tariffs or implement Surge Pricing.


  • Once a booking has been made by the Member they choose to pay via account (credits), linked card or Cash/Card *(cond apply) directly to the Driver/Guard prior to service commencement.

  • Note a minimum $40/$20 positive balance must be maintained for accounts to be active.

  • Members are then emailed a booking confirmation outlining the requested service, specific pick up, drop off locations, times, number of passengers, any specific route requests and times. This email will also include the invoice for booking fees and/or whole service costs. Concurrently the booking is then also sent to the Driver/Guard and to the Operator or Management.

  • Active member accounts receive credits for every booking they make. * see the Rewards Program for detailed information.

  • Member Rewards credits are calculated monthly.

  • Members with active accounts but NO funds available can utilize their stored credit to pay for the requested service. For 1 to 4 guests and 1 destination ONLY, This "get home Safe" credit facility IS NOT AVAILABLE  for groups over 5 in total. If the service rate exceeds the members credit balance, Home-Safe will carry out the service to a maximum value of $80



  • Services can be ONLY booked by members.

  • All online memberships require a linked credit card.

  • Member guests pre-pay for services booked by Venues at the bar or POS. Members booking online can utilize their various accepted debit/credit cards, PayPal or via Home-Safe Rewards Credits.

  • Some members can pay card or cash directly to the Driver/Guard at pick up location prior to service commencement, this scenario is ONLY available to pre-qualified members.

  • Persons can apply directly to Home-Safe Secure Services for a membership without credit card facilities. *These members are excluded from the $80 extended credit facility.

  • All services are pre-booked and pre-paid.

  • Where Outstanding balances occur: Home-Safe within 72hrs will debit the linked credit/debit facility for any Payments outstanding.

  • Home-Safe will attempt to debit the facility for a maximum of 5 attempts, conducted daily.

  • Members can apply to make an agreement in writing to a more suitable process.

  • If the outstanding payment has NOT been received after the 5 attempts the members account will be cancelled and the member will lose all access to the rewards program.

  • These members will have to re-apply for a membership with imposed conditions.

Insurances, Registrations and Industry Association Memberships:

 Home-Safe Secure Services maintains the following insurance policies and industry memberships.

     Home-Safe Secure Services is a registered Charter Operator: Q 900518776

  • Public Liability: Home-Safe has a $10 million policy.

  • Comprehensive Motor Vehicle Insurance:

  • Industry association Queensland Bus Industry Council and The Australian Security Industry Association Limited (ASIAL). (when required.)

  • CTP Class 10A :QLD  303 YBZ

  • Security & Criminal Defense Insurance:Guards also utilize personal cover.

  • Workcover: As employment needs arise.


Company Policies:

Home-Safe utilizes the following Policies: Details available by request or in the members section of website.

  1. Customer Service Policy

  2. Fatigue Management Policy

  3. Training Policy

  4. Incident Management Plan/Policy:

  5. Code of Conduct Policy:

  6. Confidentiality & Privacy Policy:

  7. Cancellations Policy:

  8. Rewards Program/Policy:


Legislative Requirements:

Home-Safe Secure Services abides by legislative requirements relevant to the Transport and Security Industries. Detailed information is available by request:

Legislations include but are not limited to:

  • Work Health and Safety Act 2011

  • QLD Invasion of Privacy Act 1971

  • QLD Regulatory Offences Act 1985

  • QLD Vagrants and Gaming Act &/or Summary Offences Act 2005

  • Criminal Code Act 1899

  • Security Providers Act 1993

  • Disaster Management Act 2003

  • Transport Operations (Passenger Transport) Act 1994

  • Transport Operations (Passenger Transport) Regulation 2005

  • Transport Operations (Passenger Transport) Standard 2010

  • Disability Discrimination ACT 1992 and Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport 2002

  • Transport Security (Counter Terrorism) Act 2008

  • State Disaster Management Plan 2010

  • Public Safety Preservation Act 2008

  • Code of Conduct for School Student Travelling on Buses

  • Internal policies and procedures:

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